Google Maps SDK for iOS with Swift Package Manager

How to Install Google Maps SDK for iOS with Swift Package Manager

Google are thrilled to announce that the iOS Maps, Places, and Navigation SDKs now support Swift Package Manager dependency management

Maintaining dependencies with Google Maps Platform SDKs for iOS is easier. Swift Package Manager in X code, the main way to add packages to iOS projects, makes this feasible.

One of the most requested improvements by developers is Swift Package Manager support for Google Maps Platform SDK dependencies

In the X code integrated development environment (IDE), developers can add package dependencies to iOS apps by entering the URL for the SDK’s GitHub repository

Before Google were able to implement Swift Package Manager for the Google Maps Platform SDKs for iOS, Google needed Swift Package Manager to enable binary targets in the form of XC Frameworks

As an additional step, Google changed their build and release infrastructure in order to make it possible to release Swift packages concurrently with the publishing workflows for Cocoa Pods and XC Frameworks

Since version 8.3.1 of the Maps SDK for iOS, version 8.3.0 of the Places SDK, and version 5.3.1 of the Navigation SDK, Swift Package Manager is supported

The Maps, Places, and Navigation Software Development Kits for iOS documentation provides Swift package installation instructions and URLs