Agilex 7 Experts At 2024 IBC

Altera is demonstrating Agilex 7's 8k video processing, 4K Smart Camera, and HDR during customer meetings in the IABM lounge

Manica’s MEP100 SmartNIC provides top-tier SMPTE ST 2110 processing for broadcast and live production PCs

b<>comApantac's latest T# flagship modular multiviewer, Sublima, features dynamic and real-time SDR to HDR and HDR to SDR conversion

Altera’s new Agilex 5 FPGAs can now use the industry-leading ST 2110/IPMX/ST 2059 FPGA IP cores and NMOS control software from Nextera and Adeas

With pride, PRO DESIGN Electronic GmbH provides FPGA-based acceleration cards with top-tier Altera FPGAs

With the Manifold cloud software, each FALCON-NEST server can accommodate up to 4 cards

Launch your design and use intoPIX JPEG XS FPGA solutions with minimal latency and lossless quality to replace outdated uncompressed media creation