Google Cloud introduced Cost Anomaly Detection at Google Cloud Next ’24, and it is now in public preview for all customers
With the use of cost anomaly detection, you may prevent surprises, respond quickly, and rein in out-of-control expenses by identifying anomalies in real-time or almost real-time and enabling prompt warnings
By automatically tracking your cloud projects and reporting any spikes in your billing panel, Google Cloud’s Cost Anomaly Detection can assist you in identifying anomalous increases in cloud spending
Cost Anomaly Detection uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify your spending patterns based on past and seasonal trends and projects a projected daily expenditure rate that is unique to your project
Cost Anomaly Detection makes it simple to configure personalized alert preferences that send out notifications of anomalies to a predetermined group of recipients as soon as they are discovered
Cost Anomaly Detection helps to lower the likelihood of false positives and raise sensitivity to daily, weekly, and monthly variations in addition to seasonal and monthly trends
You can also control unwanted costs with Cost Anomaly Detection, which is another method of optimizing your spend