Amazon Bedrock Guardrails Improve Safety and Privacy

Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock, which was first made available in preview form at re:Invent 2023, is now generally available, as announced by AWS

All large language models (LLMs) in Amazon Bedrock as well as fine-tuned models are compatible with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock

This is only the start. With confidence, AWS will keep developing its cutting-edge technology to support product development teams worldwide in prioritising what to build next

The Amazon Bedrock guardrails are positioned between the model and the application

A list of preset PII kinds is supported by the sensitive information filter. Additionally, you can construct unique regex-based entities according to your requirements and use case

Using the Test section, you navigate to the Guardrails Overview page and select the Anthropic Claude Instant 1.2 model

Guardrail activity reveals that the its were activated in three different situations. To review the specifics, use View Trace