A scalable, effective, and low-power edge adaptive computation architecture that swiftly delivers bi-directional data to the cloud enables hybrid distributed computing
AMD Kria Starter Kits provide instant developer platforms for robotics, industrial, motor control, artificial intelligence, and vision applications
Usually, a deployment consists of many edge devices linked to the cloud by sensors
Amazon IoT You can build, implement, and maintain IoT apps on your devices with Greengrass, an open-source edge runtime and cloud service
Kria SOMs, which offer comfortable design environments without FPGA programming, were designed for software developers
A large range of expedited applications provide a foundation for development, freeing developers to concentrate on unique features for their products
Without prior knowledge of FPGA programming, developers may program and distinguish their designs at the software level
The Kria K26 SOM, available in Commercial and Industrial grades, is a small form factor card with a custom-built Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC device