AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), AWS are now able to connect to and query your current MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
With the release of AWS Amplify GraphQL Transformer version 2, which was announced in 2021, developers can now create GraphQL-based app backends that are more feature-rich, adaptable, and extensible with little to no prior
GraphQL API requests, apply business logic like authorization, and interact with the underlying data source like Amazon DynamoDB, this new GraphQL Transformer was completely redesigned
Data from relational databases is produced into a different file called schema.sql.graphqlYou may still build and maintain DynamoDB-backed types with standard schema.graphql files
Upon receiving any MySQL or PostgreSQL database information, whether it is accessible publicly online or through a virtual private cloud
AWS Amplify will automatically produce a modifiable GraphQL API that can be used to securely connect to your database tables and expose CRUD
Any of the current Amplify GraphQL authorization rules can be added to your API with only one line of code, enabling the smooth development of use cases like owner-based authorization and public read-only patterns