Real-time Text Analysis: BigQuery‘s Cutting-Edge Tools
BigQuery‘s sophisticated text analyzers and preprocessing tools contain enormous volumes of structured and unstructured text data, including information about customers and company activities
Text preprocessing, which converts unstructured or raw natural language into formats that are machine-readable, is an essential stage in pipelines for Text Analyzer and information retrieval
In many instances, the quality of the tokenization method used has a significant impact on how successful a text search index
The procedure entails obtaining entries from a logs table, which is produced by routine company operations, that include pertinent customer information
Before building our search index which may be a costly and time-consuming procedure They experiment with several configurations using the recently introduced TEXT_ANALYZE function
To refresh your memory, the SEARCH function operates by applying the analyzer (with the given configuration) to the search data and the input search query
Our text analysis toolkit has been enhanced with new capabilities that significantly improve its current functionalityFor more details visit