Cloud-Based IBM MQ Triparty Repo Launch

These transactions depend on triparty repo dealing systems that connect safely and seamlessly across platforms

The Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) advised its members to use IBM MQ for triparty repo dealing

In a triparty repo trading system, IBM MQ is the key channel for transaction data and instructions

Because mistakes and misunderstandings can cost a lot, this reduces them. IBM MQ executes transactions quickly and accurately

IBM MQ safeguards sensitive data. Banks need this for security. IBM MQ encrypts and secures transactions

This makes adding new features and functionality to the triparty repo dealing system easy and allows it to adapt to customer needs and market situations

CCIL was founded in April 2001 to clear and settle money market, foreign exchange, and government securities transactions

CCIL is a central counterparty in RBI-supervised government securities, outright, market repo and triparty repo, USD-INR, and currency future markets