CodeBuild Adds macOS to CI Pipelines

The macOS 14 Sonoma manager for Apple M2 devices now supports creating artefacts

The release applications for the Apple operating systems (iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS), one needs Xcode, which is only compatible with macOS

AWS Cloud, you have set up your pipeline for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) to operate on Mac instances of Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2)

The environment, create, test, and ultimately publish the program to App Store Connect are initiated when the repository agent is installed on the machine

With Amazon EC2 Mac, managing and automating macOS computers is remarkably simplified

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline to show how AWS Amplify on iOS operates is the first step

The application are file-based storage, Amazon Cognito for user authentication, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS AppSync, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

The eight to ten minutes to set up and accept an Amazon EC2 Mac instance for the initial build. This affects CodeBuild in addition to others