Discover Amazon EC2 G6 Instances' Deep Learning Power

The NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU-powered Amazon EC2 G6 instances are now generally available

Numerous machine learning and graphics-intensive use cases are compatible with G6 instances

Many graphics-intensive and machine learning use cases may be fulfilled by NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU-powered Amazon EC2 G6 instances

Amazon EC2 G6 instances use third-generation AMD EPYC CPUs and up to eight 24-GB RAM NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPUs

There is a very effective and affordable option for clients that want to execute their machine learning applications using NVIDIA libraries like TensorRT, CUDA, and cuDNN

They are driven by L4 GPUs, which enable NVIDIA RTX technology and have third-generation RT cores

Gr6 instances are ideal for graphics applications requiring more memory since they provide a 1:8 vCPU:RAM ratio