Dustborn: An Epic Adventure

“Dustborn” a narrative-focused action-adventure game by Red Thread Games, combines thought-provoking social issues, unique characters

Gamers like “Dustborn” for its innovative gameplay, thematic resonance, and plot and character depth

“Dustborn” takes place in a reinvented America of 2030, a country torn apart by discrimination, misinformation, and repression

Rich and captivating, “Dustborn”‘s story pulls players into the game’s universe with well-written dialogue and a wide range of characters

The tale revolves around Pax, the protagonist, who is a captivating figure on a path of self-discovery and resistance against oppression

“Dustborn” is a well-balanced and captivating experience that blends action-adventure aspects with narrative-driven gameplay

Echoes are vital in conversation and interactions with other characters while they are not engaged in combat