Google Multi-Zone Storage for VMs with Regional Persistent Disk

Google Compute Engine solution that offers 0% RPO, is production-ready, and provides high availability for your mission-critical workloads? You only need to look at Google Regional Persistent Disk

For many of the mission-critical high availability storage requirements of Google Cloud customers, Regional PD is a strong fit and meets all of these criteria

Potential storage problems that could prevent the VM from booting and from data loss from VMs that rely on the boot disc for data, such as Windows VMs

Using the Google Cloud console, gcloud, Terraform, and REST APIs, you can add Regional PDs

Users get 5GB of Regional PD disk storage for their terminal’s home directory with each Cloud Shell terminal session

Replication of zones on discs for local persistent discs Regional Persistent Disk volumes hold disc data in primary and secondary zones

For disc attachment, the primary zone is the same as the VM instance