Google VPC Flow Logs: Vital Network Traffic Analysis Tool

Andromeda, the program that runs VPC networks, includes VPC Flow Logs. VPC Flow Logs don’t slow down or affect performance when they’re enabled

VPC Flow Logs gathers information from all virtual machine instances, including GKE nodes, inside a subnet if it is enabled for that subnet

TCP, UDP, ICMP, ESP, and GRE traffic are sampled by VPC Flow Logs. Samples are taken of both inbound and outgoing flows

VPC Flow Logs creates a log for a flow if it is sampled and collected. The details outlined in the Record format section are included in every flow record

Multiple network interface virtual machines (VMs) are supported by VPC Flow Logs. For every subnet in every VPC that has a network interface

Intranode visibility for the cluster must be enabled in order to log flows across pods on the same Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node

Aggregation: To create a flow log entry, data from sampling packets is combined over a defined aggregation interval