IBM Cloud Edge VPC IaC Views
An examination of the IaC features of the edge VPC using deployable architecture on IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud VPC architecture devoid of any computational resources, such as Red Hat OpenShift clusters or VSIs
Set up a workload VPC for running programmes and services and a management VPC for network traffic monitoring
Red Hat OpenShift clusters or virtual private islands (VSIs) can be added to your cloud environment using this approach
It also has a jump server VSI that exposes a public floating IP address in the management VPC
Workload VPC has a security group, allow-all ACL, and two subnets in two availability zones
The VSI on VPC landing zone architecture was designed to construct a secure infrastructure using virtual servers for VPC workloads
The ROKS pattern makes it easy to set up a single-region Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in a VPC landing zone on IBM Cloud
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