IBM and Mizuho develop Gen AI PoC to expedite recovery

IBM's corporate generative AI and data platform watsonx was used in a PoC with Mizuho Financial Group to improve event detection

During a three-month trial, the new technology showed 98% accuracy in monitoring and reacting to problem alerts

The Proof of Concept (PoC) linked Watsonx to an event detection application and added incident response failure patterns to simplify and accelerate recovery

Mizuho and IBM will collaborate on incident management and generative AI-based failure analysis to improve operational efficiency and sophistication

Enterprise platform IBM WatsonX integrates data with generative AI. Thus, it aids AI solution development and evaluation. Complete WatsonX PoC analysis

Clearly state the issue you’re attempting to resolve or the procedure you wish to use AI to enhance. What precise results are you hoping to achieve with your PoC

Select WatsonX AI features that support your goal. Example: computer vision for image recognition, machine learning for predictive modelling, and NLP for sentiment analysis

Choose WatsonX AI features that help you. Image recognition, predictive modelling, and sentiment analysis using computer vision, machine learning, and NLP