Intel Cloud Optimization Enhances AWS AI

 Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the largest and most prominent CSPs, offers hundreds of services to build any cloud application

The platform’s purpose-built databases and tools for AI and machine learning let developers and enterprises innovate faster, cheaper, and more agilely

Developers may accelerate their innovation on popular hardware technologies and further boost model efficiency by utilizing pre-built optimizations and tools for a wide range of applications and use cases on AWS

Intel Cloud Optimization Modules are a set of cloud-native, open-source reference architectures designed with production AI developers in mind

These modules enable developers to apply AI solutions that are optimized for Intel processors and GPUs, thereby increasing workload efficiency and achieving peak performance

With end-to-end AI software and optimizations for a range of use cases, including computer vision and natural language processing, these optimizations provide numerous important advantages for driving AI solutions

This module shows developers how to optimize a GPT2-small (124M parameter) model for high-performance distributed training on an AWS cluster of Intel Xeon CPUs