Memorystore for Redis Cluster

Google  Cloud Character.AI wants to provide the best user experience, and application speed is key to user engagement

Google Cloud's requirement for efficiency and scalability led us to chose their Memorystore for Redis Cluster

Google Cloud discovered one Memorystore instance was insufficient. Using Twemproxy to create a consistent hash ring, they could spread operations among Memorystore instances

The 2023 release of Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis Cluste was a big scaling milestone

Memorystore for Redis Cluster scaled their application and kept their primary database layer loaded and cache hit rates high as they grew

Character. AI's Memorystore for Redis Cluster shows their commitment to employing cutting-edge technologies to improve customer experience

Character.AI explores innovative technologies and approaches to improve application performance and reliability to lead the AI market

Instances Memorystore for Redis Cluster holds your data. A Redis Cluster instance and cluster are the same for a single Memorystore