Microsoft Magic Quadrant Leads 2023 Gartner Container

Kubernetes and containers are the future of application development They are pleased to announce that Microsoft Magic Quadrant

According to Gartner, Microsoft Magic Quadrant Leadership emphasizes Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)’s extensive and deep integration with other Azure services

Developers use autoscaling AKS clusters to satisfy the toughest performance requirements, while fully managed Azure services save teams time

At KubeCon North America 2023 and Microsoft Ignite, they launched Microsoft Copilot for Azure Developers may use this AI-powered assistant to get answers and work more effectively, including AKS

Developers may use Azure and AKS more using Copilot for Azure Microsoft provides various resources for developers at whatever stage of adoption

Inspire yourself by reading how the Forza Horizon 5 development team transitioned services to AKS in a month without Kubernetes experience, resulting in Xbox Games Studio’s largest first week ever

AKS enabled artifact streaming for AI applications’ larger container pictures Container images may be transmitted to high-performance, on-demand protocol nodes That accelerates pod scheduling and startup

The new Kaito-based AI toolchain operator simplifies hosting and sharing open-source AI models and customized inferencing on AKS clusters