New APIs For Amazon Location Service Routes, Places & Maps

The Routes, Places, and Maps features are expanded and improved by the 17 new and improved APIs that Amazon Location Service announced today, giving developers a more unified and efficient experience

Explore the most recent version of the Amazon Location Service Developer Guide to get started, then start incorporating these features right now

There are two methods for authenticating API requests with Amazon Location Service: using API keys or AWS API authentication

Applications like food delivery services or shop apps, where customers require comprehensive information about nearby locations, will particularly benefit from these functionalities

It is simple to call the API. You have three options: the basic REST API, one of AWS SDKs, or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

For improved user experiences, SearchNearby and Autocomplete allow predictive text features and support proximity-based queries

Amazon Location Service have expressed that they require more specific information, like contact details and business hours, as well as specially designed APIs