Open Platform For Enterprise AI Avatar Chatbot Creation

The Open Platform For Enterprise AI GenAIExamples repository’s “Avatar Chatbot” serves as the code sample

Software for voice recognition that translates spoken words into text is called Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)

By comprehending the user’s query, the Large Language Model (LLM) analyzes the transcribed text from ASR and produces the relevant text response

The text response produced by the LLM is converted into audible speech by a text-to-speech (TTS) service

The text response produced by the LLM is converted into audible speech by a text-to-speech (TTS) service

In order for users to quickly build the AvatarChatbot backend Docker image and launch the “AvatarChatbot” examples, we must lastly create a Dockerfile

The host, port, endpoint, input and output datatypes, and megaservice orchestrator are all contained in the AvatarChatbotGateway