Prefab Cloud Spanner And PostgreSQL: Flexible And Affordable

The backend for Google Cloud’s dynamic logging’s volume tracking is one functionality that currently makes use of Cloud Spanner

Having a query editor in the Google Cloud console is quite handy as it enables us to examine and optimize any queries that perform poorly

Key Visualizer: Understanding row keys becomes crucial when examining large-volume NoSQL databases with HBase

It can identify typical problems that lead to hotspots and examine Cloud Spanner data access trends over time with the Key Visualizer

Although it has extensive prior experience with HBase and PostgreSQL, it is quite with its choice to use Spanner as Prefab’s preferred horizontally scalable operational database

Additionally, you only pay for the bytes you use, and each node has a ton of storage space up to 10TB with Spanner’s latest improvements

Spanner’s PostgreSQL interface combines the dependable and scalable nature of Cloud Spanner and Google Cloud with the portability and user-friendliness of PostgreSQL

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