Project Shield Provides Free DDoS Protection To More Firms
A free service called Project Shield protects websites pertaining to news, human rights, elections, underrepresented communities, the arts, and the sciences against DDoS attacks
Project Shield uses DDoS technologies and Google’s infrastructure to filter out harmful data. To keep your website operational in the event of a DDoS attack, its servers will block the malicious traffic
You can set up Project Shield to retrieve material from the servers of your website once and then offer a cached copy on subsequent requests
Google infrastructure is used by Project Shield to provide limitless protection against layer 3/4 and layer 7 assaults. Each site’s defense is automatically configured and customized
It uses content caching to boost site performance, bolster DDoS defenses, and conserve bandwidth. When users publish updated content, they can choose to invalidate the cache
Google Cloud is announcing that Project Shield is broadening its eligibility requirements to include non-profit organizations that support the arts and sciences as well as organizations that represent underrepresented groups
By using rate limits that are specifically adjusted for your website, Project Shield improves security without preventing legitimate visitors or search engines from accessing it