Quantonation and Toshiba Collaborate on Quantum Science

Quantonation Ventures a Euro-American quantum technology investment fund, runs Quantonation II, which Toshiba Corporation will invest in as corporate venture capital

Pasqal, te leader in neutral atom computing, and Qubit Pharmaceuticals, a computer drug development company, the fund operates globally and Quantonation I.

Accelerate the development of quantum technology and goods, as well as the race to build the quantum internet

Quantum can connect Europe and the Asia-Pacific quantum ecosystems to spur scientific advances and global economic growth

Toshiba develops high-potential quantum enterprises using its technology supremacy and quantum emphasis

Toshiba and Quantonation-backed firms will collaborate on research projects that will accelerate quantum research and development

This may lead to breakthroughs in medicine development, artificial intelligence, and materials research, among other domains