Quantum Photonics: Improving Future Of Light-Based Computing

It is the study of producing, modifying, and detecting light in regimes where individual quanta of  light field (photons) controlled

Future technologies including quantum metrology, quantum computing, and quantum key distribution are also anticipated to be greatly advanced by quantum photonics

Waveguides and other components made from miniature parts using sophisticated lithographic processes are naturally phase stable (coherent) and don’t need optical alignment

Miniaturization: A smaller system size results in an order of magnitude reduction in size, weight, and power consumption

Experiment size: A device that is just a few square centimeters in size may have a large number of optical components

There are several practical distinctions between quantum and conventional photonic integrated circuits, despite the fact that both employ the same basic components

Quantum communication: It may improve information security via QKD and other methods. Eavesdropping can be stopped using the non-cloning theorem