Rabbit R1 : AI  Device

The Rabbit R1 is a portable generative AI gadget that resembles a phone in both size and form

It features a tiny touch screen and a button that must be pressed in order to speak commands to the gadget. Like ChatGPT

If you connect R1 to the many services you use on your phone, it can also perform other functions like ordering takeaway, booking a cab and playing music

The Rabbit R1 is a unique AI device powered by Rabbit OS, designed to simplify and enhance your digital interactions by using a Large Action Model

The R1 is intended to be used in conjunction with smartphones rather than as a substitute for them

You can purchase the Rabbit R1 AI handheld device directly from Rabbit’s official website

The device is priced at $199 USD and does not require any additional subscription fees. Orders placed now are expected to ship in June 2024