Stay Aware Google Play data deletion policy changes

The Google Play Store now facilitates the deactivation of app accounts

Google Play's data deletion badge and data safety section data deletion area give users more transparency and control over their data

If your app lets users create accounts, you must give them an in-app and web link to delete their accounts and data

A recent Google Play Store policy modification simplifies app account deletion. This upgrade enhances user experience and gives consumers more control over their data

Simplified Process: Users may now easily delete accounts from the app. This change ensures a straightforward account termination process

 Google Play Store simplifies account deactivation for data management. To safeguard privacy, user data and accounts are destroyed

To comply with the new rules, app developers must provide easy account deactivation choices. This includes how to handle deleted accounts and stuff

Developers should follow best practices for Google Play Store approval. They must improve their apps by adding easy account cancellation and informing users