Terraform Google Provider v6.0.0
HashiCorp Terraform v6.0.0 will not affect support for prior versions
The 6.0.0 major release adds the opt-out default label “goog-terraform-provisioned” after 5.16.0 added provider-level default labels
Thus, Terraform-controlled resources will appear in Cloud Billing, Cloud Console, etc
These resources include Google_domain, Google Cloud Run V2 Job, Service, Folder, and Project
Allowing decreasing instance template suffix length (#15374)" is another key issue fixed in this major version that affects name_prefix's
Terraform Google Provider 6.0.0 improves Google Cloud resource management usability and security
The Terraform Registry upgrade guide lists all changes and upgrade considerations when upgrading to version 6.0 of the Terraform Google Provider
Terraform Google Provider 6.0.0 adds improvements, updates, and game-changing modifications to manage and automate Google Cloud resources
This version includes several new GCP service management tools and data sources
For more details Govindhtech.com