Fortune celebrates the hardware, software, and services of the previous the season’s most creative and groundbreaking technologies at the yearly Innovations Honors
The end result is a list of 200 groundbreaking developments that have altered the way individuals go about their lives and view what is possible
The OPPO Zero-Power Tag is an eco-friendly Internet of Things gadget that connects with phones using ambient energy rather than a battery
At MWC 2023, OPPO introduced its first battery-free Internet of Things prototype gadget, which was called the OPPO Zero-Power Tag and was powered by technology called Zero-power Communication
In addition, the organization is working on extra features for the item, including health monitoring, in order to broaden the range of this device’s potential uses
The Oneplus Sustainability Assessment was released by the organization in the month of February 2023 with assistance from the international consulting firm Price water house coopers
OPPO established an additional category for the 2023 OPPO Imagination Competition called “Encouragement for a Sustainable Planetfor more details visit on