Toshiba Cambridge Lab funds Advanced Embodied AI
The cutting-edge study on Embodied AI, a technology that blends cooperative intelligence and physical presence
Artificial Intelligence is becoming the cornerstone of technical innovation in today’s quickly changing society
Industries like manufacturing, logistics, and maintenance can’t be fully addressed by software or in cyberspace
Toshiba has committed to investing £15 million over the next five years to support CRL’s research into Embodied AI
They hope to showcase Toshiba first industrial prototype of Embodied AI in 2027, ushering in a new era of intelligent human-machine collaboration
Embodied artificial intelligence is an agent-based AI that helps us with manual activities by interacting with humans and manipulating items
A workforce that can quickly adapt and use the power of physical AI to complete new activities with straightforward interaction is made possible
The largest and most significant international conference in this topic is called CVPR
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