Web Risk Safety 101: Singapore’s Phishing Defense!

Both municipal and business sectors are growing their financial commitments with the goal to further protect their staffs as well as the individuals who ultimately profit from their goods and services

The Government Technology Agency of Singapore and Google Cloud have announced that they would be working together to deploy Google Cloud Web Risk to provide enhanced protection for citizens and residents of Singapore against phishing and other forms of online fraud

As part of the agreement, Google Cloud Web Risk will use its numerous application programming interfaces (APIs) to supply Singapore with threat information about harmful websites and phishing pages

Users are able to determine whether or not a URL is in violation of any Safe Browsing regulations, assess how hazardous a URL is, and submit URLs to Google Cloud for screening by using the Web Risk tool

If a URL is found to break any of the Safe Browsing standards, it will be placed to the blocklist that safeguards more than 5 billion devices within minutes of the violation being discovered

The Global Cyber Security Operations Center (GCSOC) employs its very own automated systems, such as PhishMonSG, to collect hundreds of potentially hazardous phishing websites every single day

Following the completion of the deduplication and normalization processes, they make use of the Google Web Risk Evaluate API to determine the amount of danger posed by a questionable website