What is Argo CD? And When Was Argo CD Established?

In DevOps, ArgoCD is a Continuous Delivery (CD) technology that has become well-liked for delivering applications to Kubernetes

Argo CD was created at Intuit and made publicly available following Applatix’s 2018 acquisition by Intuit

Argo CD was created at Intuit and made publicly available following Applatix’s 2018 acquisition by Intuit

The implementation of Argo CD is a Kubernetes controller that continually observes active apps and contrasts their present, live state with the target state

An internal service called the repository server keeps a local cache of the Git repository containing the application manifests

In addition to reporting and visualizing the differences, Argo CD offers the ability to manually or automatically sync the current state back to the intended goal state

The designated target environments can automatically apply and reflect any changes made to the intended target state in the Git repository

For more details visit Govindhtech.com