What is IBM INSTANA? Recapping IBM’s latest innovation

IBM team introduced new product capabilities to simplify your team’s ability to observe, debug, remediate, and enhance your entire stack

For complete visibility, OpenTelemetry simplifies practices with common instrumentation, portable formats, and interoperable pipelines

With synthetic monitoring, you can test your app beforehand. It detects and fixes performance issues before customer’s notice

IBM want to help you achieve that through observability and incident response automation, especially where we have differentiated capabilities

IBM end user monitoring (EUM) support now includes crash analysis, which is in open beta. Try it and give feedback

SolMan performance metrics can be integrated into Instana to view and manage SAP and non-SAP metrics from a single pane

Through the partnership between DB Marlin and IBM Instana, businesses can now gain unprecedented insights into database performance

IBM Instana, a cloud-native observability solution, automatically and continuously provides high-fidelity data one-second granularity For more details Govindhetch.com