Xinghe Intelligent Network Solution In Faster Net5.5G

The company introduced the Xinghe Intelligent Network Solution, which was specifically designed for the Net5.5G target network

The solution speeds up the experience monetization of 2H/2C services and offers accurate experience assurance

Network Digital Map, which facilitates network setup modeling, and E2E 400GE routers aid in the development of ultra-broadband and dependable transport networks

Elastic lossless wide area network (WAN) makes it easier to transfer computing power efficiently, enabling carriers to take advantage of the opportunities

This solution uses AI-powered network security detection to quickly and precisely identify risks to protect service development in order to handle network threats

Huawei’s Xinghe Intelligent Network Solution uses the SRv6+Network Digital Map’s automatic optimization capabilities to optimize network paths

This enhances service quality, unleashes blocked traffic, and reduces optimization time from five days to a few minutes